JobBoardWP Setup


JobBoardWP plugin allows users to create and search job posts and increase user interaction on your site. This document provides instructions on how to set up the JobBoardWP.


  • Job Board Menu
  • Settings
    • Job Board Settings
    • Profile Menu Settings
    • Pages Settings

Job Board Menu

Once you activate the JobBoardWP plugin, you will see the Job Board tab on the wp-admin menu. On this page, you can find the following:


The plugin will add a Jobs section on the Dashboard where you can add a new job or edit your job posts. This sub-menu shows the list of all Jobs on your website.

Add New

This is where you can create and publish new job posts.

Job Types 

 This allows you to edit the default Job Types and create additional Job Types.

Job Categories

On this page, you can add or edit the Job Categories.


This allows you to manage plugin options.

Pages settings 

Once you install the JobBoardWP plugin, it creates these pages:
  • Jobs - The jobs list page is where users can see all published jobs on your website. 
  • Jobs Dashboard - This allows you to manage your own jobs.  
  • Post Job - This allows you to post new jobs or edit already posted/draft jobs. 

Page "Jobs" contains a shortcode [jb_jobs /] that shows a list of all published jobs on your website. Users can use this page to search and filter job posts.

Page "Jobs Dashboard" contains a shortcode  [jb_jobs_dashboard /] this allows users to publish drafts, edit or delete posted jobs. This is only available for logged-in users.

Page "Post Job" contains a shortcode [jb_post_job /] that gives users the opportunity to create a job post. 

You can create these pages manually at [wp-admin> Pages] if they were lost. Once the page is created, you should configure it using options on the page [wp-admin> Job Board > Settings > General > Pages]

Configure notifications

The plug JobBoardWP has email notifications.

Email notifications:
'Job expiration reminder'  - Send the user an email when the user's job post is about to expire.
'Job has been edited' - Send the user an email when the user's job post has been edited.
'Job listing approved' - Send the user an email when the user's job post has been approved.
'Job submitted' - Send the user an email when the user's job post has been submitted.
The Administrator can edit email templates: enable, disable, change subject or body. Go to the admin page [Job Board > Settings > Email], find the needed email template, and click the button "Edit" (gear icon). You'll see email template settings. Change what you want and save changes.
[wp-admin> Job Board > Settings > Email]

To know how to integrate JobBoardWP with Ultimate Member - JobBoardWP integration extension, you can read more here.

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