Jobs List
This doc is a guide for people who need to use [jb_jobs] shortcode at their website and customize some settings for every shortcode individually.
Shortcode Attributes
per-page="{number}" - How many jobs you could display on one page. By default uses "Job Board > Settings > Jobs List > Jobs per page" setting value.
no-logo="1||0" - Allows to hide jobs logo in the list. By default uses "Job Board > Settings > Jobs List > Hide Logos" setting value.
hide-filled="1||0" - Allows to hide filled jobs in the list. By default uses "Job Board > Settings > Jobs List > Hide filled jobs" setting value.
hide-expired="1||0" - Allows to hide expired jobs in the list. By default uses "Job Board > Settings > Jobs List > Hide expired jobs" setting value.
hide-search="1||0" - Allows to hide the search line by the title, keywords, and company name. By default uses "Job Board > Settings > Jobs List > Hide search" setting value.
hide-location-search="1||0" - Allows to hide the search line by the company location. By default uses "Job Board > Settings > Jobs List > Hide search by location" setting value.
hide-filters="1||0" - Allows to hide filter by remote/onsite jobs. By default uses "Job Board > Settings > Jobs List > Hide filters" setting value.
hide-job-types="1||0" - Allows to hide filter by the job type. By default uses "Job Board > Settings > Jobs List > Hide job types" setting value.
no-jobs-text="{text value}" - Allows changing the text when there aren't jobs in the list. The default text is "No Jobs".
no-jobs-search-text="{text value}" - Allows changing the text when there aren't jobs in the list when search or filters are applied. The default text is "No Jobs found".
load-more-text="{text value}" - Allows changing the text for show more jobs button. The default text is "Load more jobs".